LonesomeFaery on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lonesomefaery/art/Tequila-Gaia-79056143LonesomeFaery

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

March 5, 2008
The Suggester Writes: "Whether it's due to the vibrant pyro-hypnotic color scheme, or the sharp slate-toned details, Tequila Gaia by =LonesomeFaery is pure eye-candy. This piece has the innate ability to mesmerize any viewer, and what a treat! Be sure to check out the image in full view mode."
Featured by Sophquest
LonesomeFaery's avatar

Tequila Gaia



`Platinus named it! Thanks!

A tweak of something that `xero-sama gave me

EDIT: :faint: A Daily Deviation and over 600 faves! Thank you SOO much everyone! :hug: :omg:

thanks to =pantherwitch4982 for the small render and thanks to `Phoenix-22 for the print render!!

My gallery and images contained in it are Copyright ©2006-2008 LonesomeFaery. All rights reserved. All the materials contained in my deviantART gallery may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, borrowed, duplicated, printed, downloaded, or uploaded in any way without my express written permission. My images do not belong to the public domain.
Image size
1380x1060px 2.04 MB
© 2008 - 2024 LonesomeFaery
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BlueBandanna's avatar
I want to believe something terrible lies beyond that black hole... The circular, metallic discs with orange spheres in the center look like eyeballs staring down into the emptyness... Oh, wait... They're all eyeballs!!!